Project Description

The Vitalograph Pneumotrac features sophisticated Spirotrac 6 software and the unparalleled accuracy of Fleisch pneumotachograph flow measuring technology.
Simply plugs into a PC‘s USB port for a low-cost spirometry solution
Adaptable, interactive, user friendly software for full automation
Network ready, standardised communications with other databases
Comprehensive, configurable reports for spirometry sessions and trending
Intuitive user interface with workflow orientated presentation
Automatic FEV1 trend chart of actual and normal range data as subject is selected
Open session, f/v and v/t curves, all test data and test quality in one view
Choice of attractive incentives
Spirotrac supports GDT Standard connectivity for EMR systems
Built-in test quality checks (daily accuracy check can be forced if required)
Proven spirometry software with automatic test quality control and trending
Fully scalable database capacity using powerful Microsoft® SQL server technology
Links to Vitalograph Over-Read Spirometry QA Service
Links to practice management systems to automatically transfer subject and test data
Automatic storage of all test data and events, including calibration log